government launches action plan for regeneration of inner cities; a) england: london: qeii conference centre: int pm margaret thatcher along behind... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Government launches action plan for regeneration of inner cities
medium shot of douglas hurd british foreign secretary, he talks about the possibility that iran can use its influence to secure the release of... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Douglas Hurd talks about the release of British hostages, UK; 1989
medium shot of douglas hurd british foreign secretary, he talks about the possibility that iran can use its influence to secure the release of... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Douglas Hurd talks about the release of British hostages, UK; 1989
medium shot of foreign ministers sitting down at table, they are signing a document that means 'unification in our time,' the ministers at the table... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Foreign Ministers signing reunification document, New York, United States; 1990
medium shot of douglas hurd, foreign secretary to britain looking tired, he is sat down, he takes off his glasses and puts his hand to his forehead,... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:02Douglas Hurd attends conference in New York and looks tired, New York, United States; 1990
medium shot of uk foreign secretary douglas hurd, he walks across room to shake the hand of german chancellor helmut kohl, they stand together for... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd and Chancellor Helmut Kohl shake hands, Bonn, West Germany; 1990
medium shot of uk foreign secretary douglas hurd, he is giving a speech and insists that reunification should not be rushed, his comments have... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd gives speech on reunification in Germany, Bonn, West Germany; 1990
douglas hurd meets israeli ambassador:; england: london: int douglas hurd mp into room with moshe raviv ; both pose for press photocall; both away... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32RUSHES: Douglas Hurd meets Israeli ambassador:
qian qichen meets john major at no 10; england: london: downing street: int john major mp poses with qian qichen ; qichen reads statement as douglas... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage02:18RUSHES: Qian Qichen meets John Major at No 10
britons return; england: london: int douglas hurd mp interview on british and ec attitudes to iran-iraq war sot - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:53Britons return
government launches action plan for regeneration of inner cities; g) england: london: qeii conference centre: int pm margaret thatcher along behind... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Government launches action plan for regeneration of inner cities
conservative party conference: day 4:; england: london: gir: int live studio newsreader leonard parkin intro sot david rose report 'tory conference':... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:36Conservative Party conference: Day 4:
douglas hurd resigns as foreign secretary; england: london: foreign office: ext douglas hurd mp standing on steps of foreign office at photocall and... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Douglas Hurd resigns as Foreign Secretary
douglas hurd resigns as foreign secretary; c) naf hugh pym: england: london: foreign office: ext douglas hurd from foreign office and to press... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22Douglas Hurd resigns as Foreign Secretary
john major and norma major profile; england: london : 10 downing street: int john major mp up staircase with dan quayle / various shots of john major... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:15Prime Minister John Major hosts US Vice President Dan Quayle to dinner at 10 Downing Street
john major and norma major profile; england: london : 10 downing street: int john major mp and his wife norma major along corridor to number 10 front... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage03:13Prime Minister John Major welcomes US Vice President Dan Quayle to 10 Downing Street
douglas hurd speaks at the csce conference, he says, "as countries escape from the deep frost of communism they may discover that some of their... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Minister Douglas Hurd speaks about German reunification, New York, United States; 1990
medium shot of mp douglas hurd who said the baltic states could be recognised because they weren't the same as other soviet republics - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25MP Douglas Hurd talks about the Baltic States, Brussels, Belgium; 1991
medium shot of german foreign minister dietrich genscher walking alongside british foreign minister douglas hurd, they are walking towards an office... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10German Foreign Minister Dietrich Genscher Brussels, Belgium; 1991
douglas hurd meets helmut kohl; germany: bonn: int douglas hurd mp poses with helmut kohl for press, shake hands; - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49RUSHES: Douglas Hurd meets Helmut Kohl
medium shot of douglas hurd and mikhail gorbachev meeting in moscow. gorbachev saying, through interpreter "i congratulate you on your coming over... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58NBP - Douglas Hurd and Mikhail Gorbachev meeting in Moscow; 1990
downing street cabinet departures; england: london: westminster: downing street: departures from no 10 - includes douglas hurd mp and kenneth baker... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35RUSHES: Downing Street Cabinet departures
independence celebrations:; namibia: windhoek: sports stadium: ext / at night s africa flag being lowered as crowd cheering cms f w de klerk standing... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Namibia: Independence celebrations:
world leaders arriving; hungry: budapest: ext douglas hurd mp arriving / unidentified delegate arriving / vaclav havel arriving / unidentified... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17RUSHES: Budapest summit: World leaders arriving
helsinki summit; finland: helsinki: conference on security and co-operation in europe summit: douglas hurd mp into conference hall, other people... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:43RUSHES: 1992 CSCE Helsinki Summit
helsinki summit; finland: helsinki: conference on security and co-operation in europe summit: mass press in conference hall, turkish delegation... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36RUSHES: 1992 CSCE Helsinki Summit
helsinki summit; finland: helsinki: conference on security and co-operation in europe summit: john major & douglas hurd walk along in conference... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16RUSHES: 1992 CSCE Helsinki Summit
summit munich - itn camera; germany: munich: residenz palace: john major and douglas hurd mp arrives walks towards along red carpet & then cuts off... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41RUSHES: 1992 G7 summit Munich - ITN camera
summit munich - pool camera; germany: munich: francois mitterrand sitting round another table for meeting, helmut kohl and klaus kinkel sitting at... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:39RUSHES: 1992 G7 summit Munich - pool camera
summit munich - pool camera; germany: munich: residenz palace: george bush , brian mulroney & james baker walk down stairs, g7 leaders walking up... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:43RUSHES: 1992 G7 summit Munich - pool camera
no peaceful resolution to bosnian war; hungary: budapest: int john major mp sits at pkf and douglas hurd mp ditto beside gv side press cms douglas... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Budapest Summit: No peaceful resolution to Bosnian War
rajiv gandhi funeral / new delhi gvs; india: new delhi: ext seq rahul gandhi circling funeral pyre with burning piece of wood to light it prince... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage03:48RUSHES: Rajiv Gandhi funeral / New Delhi GVs
margaret thatcher in day 4: kremlin signing ceremony; ussr: russia: moscow: kremlin: int golden chandelier / douglas hurd mp signing documents /... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19RUSHES: Margaret Thatcher in Day 4: Kremlin signing ceremony
margaret thatcher in day 4: kremlin signing ceremony; ussr: russia: moscow: kremlin: int golden chandelier / margaret thatcher mp and mikhail... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage02:54RUSHES: Margaret Thatcher in Day 4: Kremlin signing ceremony
margaret thatcher in day 4: kremlin signing ceremony; ussr: russia: moscow: kremlin: int margaret thatcher mp and mikhail gorbachev chatting /... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage02:32RUSHES: Margaret Thatcher in Day 4: Kremlin signing ceremony
margaret thatcher in day 4: kremlin signing ceremony; ussr: russia: moscow: kremlin: int golden chandelier / men talking / mikhail gorbachev and... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:41RUSHES: Margaret Thatcher in Day 4: Kremlin signing ceremony
margaret thatcher in day 3: kremlin evening reception; ussr: russia: moscow: kremlin: int guests gathered / margaret thatcher mp and mikhail... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:45RUSHES: Margaret Thatcher in Day 3: Kremlin evening reception
times and radio times to give up exclusive rights to tv listings; barbican: barbican centre int cms side douglas hurd mp along and surrounded by... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23TV Magazines: TV Times and Radio Times to give up exclusive rights to TV listings
times and radio times to give up exclusive rights to tv listings; england: london: barbican int cms side douglas hurd mp along and surrounded by... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29TV Magazines: TV Times and Radio Times to give up exclusive rights to TV listings
douglas hurd visit; a)c4n: saudi arabia: taif: douglas hurd mp along on airport tarmac hotel in which kuwait govt in exile housed traditional tents... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage02:40Gulf crisis: Douglas Hurd visit
hurd comments; itn lib england london downing st seq former for sec douglas hurd mp along into no 10 - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Beef crisis: Hurd comments
douglas hurd, baroness margaret thatcher death reaction on april 08, 2013 in london, england - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Douglas Hurd, Baroness Margaret Thatcher death reaction
brussels: int cms lord owen speaking at pkf sof -situation is very complex/ lifting the arms embargo will provide no solution to this problem gv ec... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Fighting continues:
brussels: int cms lord owen speaking at pkf sof - situation is very complex gv ec foreign ministers seated at mtg r-l for sec douglas hurd mp... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Fighting continues:
exterior shots of cecil parkinson with ann parkinson chatting with lord & lady whitelaw before going into number 10, geoffrey howe with elspeth howe... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:42MPs Arrive with Partners at Downing Street 1989
gvs of world leaders meeting; italy: campania: naples: royal palace of naples: ext douglas hurd and other delegate members from g7 countries along... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:09RUSHES: G7 summit in Naples: GVs of world leaders meeting
gvs of world leaders meeting; italy: campania: naples: ext kenneth clarke exiting car and along into building various shots of police helicopters... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage03:05RUSHES: G7 summit in Naples: GVs of world leaders meeting
gvs of world leaders meeting; italy: campania: naples: int close up of boris yeltsin john major meeting boris yeltsin / speaking sot john major /... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:33RUSHES: G7 summit in Naples: GVs of world leaders meeting
fighting; england/austria: london/vienna cms dr alois mock intvw sof - had good conversation with fm douglas hurd/ csce meeting tomorrow will... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:27YUGOSLAVIAN CIVIL WAR: Fighting
foreign office attempt to reorganise visit to saudi arabia after it was cancelled by the saudis; england: london: int douglas hurd mp interview sot... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage03:59Foreign Office attempt to reorganise visit to Saudi Arabia after it was cancelled by the Saudis
state opening of parliament; england: london: houses of parliament: house of lords: int tms queen elizabeth ii and princess anne, princess royal... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:38State Opening of Parliament
black wednesday / sterling crisis: political reactions; b)c4n: england: london: westminster: downing street: lms pm john major mp out of limo and... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38Black Wednesday / Sterling crisis: Political reactions
foreign secretary:; england: london: south eaton place: ext douglas hurd at doorstep of home, brings out case & despatch box & puts them down on... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51RUSHES: Douglas Hurd: Foreign Secretary:
foreign ministers at ec summit; luxembourg: photocall at ec summit meeting with greek pm constantine mitsotakis, eire pm charles haughey, italian pm... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51FORMER YUGOSLAVIA: POLITICS: EC Foreign Ministers at EC Summit
row over norman lamont credit card / wine purchase; belgium: brussels lamont arriving at meeting of ec ministers int cms lamont at meeting next to... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Row over Norman Lamont credit card / Wine purchase
political reaction; london: douglas hurd leaving home office bldg: ministers leaving no.10: - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23HILLSBOROUGH FA CUP DISASTER: Political reaction
boris yeltsin former president of the soviet union has died aged 76; england: london: westminster: lord douglas hurd interview sot - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Boris Yeltsin former President of the Soviet Union has died aged 76
reaction:; d) includes library material: england: london: home office: ext douglas hurd stands chatting in car park john major in car along... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32Cabinet shuffle: reaction:
; b) england: london: downing st: no 10: ext kenneth clarke, kenneth baker & norman fowler out no 10 douglas hurd into car l-r paul channon out no 10... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Japan Trade War:
mother angela cannings refused compensation; 2 way westminster: john batt interview sot - the words that douglas hurd used in 1985 give ample room... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23COT DEATH: Mother Angela Cannings Refused Compensation
major and kohl meet at chequers; luxembourg seq douglas hurd mp at ec foreign ministers meeting photocall / press - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Major and Kohl meet at Chequers
figures down; england: london: downing st cms side peter lilley mp with ian lang mp along into no 10 r-l cms side for sec douglas hurd mp along into... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27Figures down
campaign: patten; england, london, tory central office cms pm john major followed by tory chairman chris patten and others along corridor pull out... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19General Elections: Campaign: Patten
foreign ministers visit: ec summit; luxembourg tcms pm john major mp, foreign sec douglas hurd mp and another talking tcms german chancellor helmut... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19EC Foreign Ministers visit: EC Summit
maxwell pensioners protest; rushes r08069203 / b0103822 / t08069203 8.6.92 england: suffolk: lowestoft: ext 00.00 sikorsky s-61l/s-61n g/air as... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage19:48RUSHES: Maxwell pensioners protest
antanas gecas to avoid prosecution for war crimes; r 2.3.87 england: london: home office: int bv douglas hurd shakes hands with members of simon... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Second World War: Antanas Gecas to avoid prosecution for war crimes
law and order issues; general election: law and order issues; england: yorkshire: leeds: int neil kinnock , gerald kaufman & woman seated on platform... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56General election: Law and order issues
conservative party; cf tape no longer available england,enfield, capel manor horticultural and environment centre cms former pm margaret thatcher mp... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Europe: Conservative party
day 1; lancaster house cms side pm john major along r-l cbv major along to chat foreign sec douglas hurd mp & chancellor norman lamont mp & turns to... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43G7 Summit: Day 1
prison officers suspend their right to work rule which prompted riots and arson in several prisons; england: london: westminster studio cms douglas... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:45Prison officers suspend their right to work rule which prompted riots and arson in several prisons
europe talks; cf tape no longer available belgium, brussels ec officials arriving for talks side ec official talking to media tms side douglas hurd... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage02:02Politics: Europe talks
christchurch by-election; england: dorset: christchurch cms paddy ashdown mp toward followed by camera crews cms ashdown campaigning speaking to... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:51Christchurch By-Election
nelson mandela london visit; england london mandela out of car & greeted by david steel former liberal leader & paddy ashdown liberal... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Nelson Mandela London visit
television chiefs meet home secretary over sex and violence on television; england: london: ext cms lord thomson and lord young out of meeting... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03Television chiefs meet Home Secretary over sex and violence on television
maxwell pensioners protest; rushes r08069203 / b0103822 / t08069203 8.6.92 england: suffolk: lowestoft: ext pull out gv helicopter & landing pad.... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:57RUSHES: Maxwell pensioners protest
reaction:; b) includes library material: england: london: home office: ext douglas hurd stands chatting in car park - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Cabinet shuffle: reaction:
douglas hurd interview on novel 'the shape of ice'; england: london: int lord hurd interview sot. - talks of the situation in kosovo / talks of the... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:35Douglas Hurd interview on novel 'The Shape of Ice'
london: petty france: home office ext nigel lawson mp along to car, refusing to comment on the reshuffle/ car towards through gates of home office /... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage04:47CABINET RESHUFFLE: REACTION: 01
international political reax:; a)nat england: london: downing st: no 10: ext douglas hurd mp along towards l-r to bv away declining to comment hurd... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19Soviet coup: international political reax:
foreign ministers meeting; belgium: brussels raining cms gerry collins pull out as towards and stops to comment to press sof - dutch plan has not... - douglas hurd stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06EC Foreign Ministers meeting