British Prime Minister Winston Churchill receives Freedom of Edinburgh in Scotland

MS SOT Lord Provost of Edinburgh Sir William Young Darling: "It is with special pleasure that now I ask you to accept the freedom of our ancient city. It is my privilege and honor to add your name to the long and illustrious role of our honorary (?)", seated before a mics are Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, and other dignitaries / MS all rise and organ is heard playing a church anthem while Churchill accepts a silver box from the Lord Provost of Edinburgh / MS Churchill signs his name to a document; John G. Winant, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, at left / WS Churchill on platform starts speech: "Our enemies have been more talkative lately. Ribbentrop, Goering, Hitler, have all been making speeches which are of interest because they reveal with inconsiderable frankness their state of mind." / CU SOT Churchill: "The most striking and curious part of Hitler's speech was his complaint that on one pays sufficient attention to his victories. 'Look at all the victories I've won,' he exclaims, in effect, look at all the countries I have invaded and struck down." / WS SOT Churchill on platform: "I always say so far of his second vast campaign against Russia." / CU SOT Churchill: " The heroic defense of Stalingrad, we must see that we have reached a stern and somber moment in the war, we must move forward altogether, united and inexorable. Thus with God's blessing the hopes which are now justified which we are now entitled to feel will not fade or wither. Keep right on to the end of the road, keep right on to the end." / MS Churchill sits down as people applaud
MS SOT Lord Provost of Edinburgh Sir William Young Darling: "It is with special pleasure that now I ask you to accept the freedom of our ancient city. It is my privilege and honor to add your name to the long and illustrious role of our honorary (?)", seated before a mics are Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, and other dignitaries / MS all rise and organ is heard playing a church anthem while Churchill accepts a silver box from the Lord Provost of Edinburgh / MS Churchill signs his name to a document; John G. Winant, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, at left / WS Churchill on platform starts speech: "Our enemies have been more talkative lately. Ribbentrop, Goering, Hitler, have all been making speeches which are of interest because they reveal with inconsiderable frankness their state of mind." / CU SOT Churchill: "The most striking and curious part of Hitler's speech was his complaint that on one pays sufficient attention to his victories. 'Look at all the victories I've won,' he exclaims, in effect, look at all the countries I have invaded and struck down." / WS SOT Churchill on platform: "I always say so far of his second vast campaign against Russia." / CU SOT Churchill: " The heroic defense of Stalingrad, we must see that we have reached a stern and somber moment in the war, we must move forward altogether, united and inexorable. Thus with God's blessing the hopes which are now justified which we are now entitled to feel will not fade or wither. Keep right on to the end of the road, keep right on to the end." / MS Churchill sits down as people applaud

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Editorial #:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Date created:
12 October, 1942
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Not released. More information
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Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Mastered to:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Originally shot on:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
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