mayor fiorello laguardia using sledge hammer to destroy slot machines / he gives speech advising gamblers, tinhorns, racketeers and gangsters to stay... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia smashes slot machines
bumper of car driving . nyc license plate. mayor fiorello h. laguardia in back seat looking at papers. int vs laguardia dictating to assistant, on... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:211937: LAGUARDIA: CU Bumper of car driving (possibly Dodge, unconfirmed). CU NYC license plate. MS Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia (1882-1947) in back seat looking at papers. INT VS LaGuardia dictating to assistant, on car telephone. WS Car down street.
work trucks driving towards construction site / three shots of nyc mayor fiorello la guardia and group of officials walking along looking at... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage02:18NY Mayor Fiorello La Guardia touring airport (later named LaGuardia Airport) under construction in Queens, NY City
new york city mayor fiorello laguardia helps throw a slot machine off a barge. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia helps throw a slot machine off a barge.
new york city mayor fiorello laguardia exiting car, entering house. reprisal: vs laguardia sitting on couch at home, wife thea laguardia asking about... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:231937: LAGUARDIA AT HOME: (POV car) New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia exiting car, entering house. REPRISAL: VS LaGuardia sitting on couch at home, wife Thea LaGuardia (unconfirmed) asking about day at work & talking about pasta dinner (SOT). NYC
crowd gathered around 'fighting side by side, protestant, catholic, jew' billboard w/ new york mayor fiorello h. laguardia religious leaders &... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:211944: TIME SQUARE RALLY: Crowd gathered around 'Fighting Side by Side, Protestant, Catholic, Jew' billboard w/ New York Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia (1882-1947) religious leaders & soldiers on podium, crowd w/ faces looking toward stage (R).
laguardia talking with officials / paper showing salary per position in office / john l. rice sitting at table - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:381933 MONTAGE Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia keeping campaign promises / New York, United States
new york city mayor fiorello la guardia standing at microphones on table outdoors, wpa administrator harry hopkins standing next to him, crowd of... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage02:11NY Mayor Fiorello La Guardia signs contracts with airlines for newly constructed airport (later named LaGuardia Airport) in Queens, NY City
at entrance to embassy theatre, man hands scissors to mayor fiorello la guardia & instructs him to cut the ribbon which he does, they shake hands /... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Theatres devoted to newsreels opens in New York City
shot of tower of city hall, tilt down building to mayor fiorello la guardia speaking on speaker's platform shaped like prow of ship, sign above... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:33La Guardia awards medal to Nimitz on Nimitz Day in NY City after end of World War II
new york city mayor fiorello laguardia destroys slot machines with a sledgehammer and throws them in the river. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia destroys slot machines with a sledgehammer and throws them in the river.
photographers and cameramen record ny mayor fiorello laguardia's ceremonial first pitch from the mound at yankee stadium; vo cheers as laguardia... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Fiorello LaGuardia makes first pitch at New York Yankees game in NYC
new york mayor election rally, people clapping. fiorello laguardia being congratulated. laguardia '...the purpose of putting out one set of... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:251933: LAGUARDIA RALLY: WS New York mayor election rally, people clapping. HA MS Fiorello LaGuardia being congratulated. MS LaGuardia '...the purpose of putting out one set of politicians in order to put another set of politicians in,' cheering. NYC
new york city hall, mayor fiorello la guardia works with composers, deems taylor and raymond paige / la guardia happy they will use his slogan... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:10Composers Write Song From Mayor's Slogan
large poster with lady liberty that reads, 'i am an american' / poster model elsie ford in standing in front of poster alongside poster artist howard... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Mayor LaGuardia Inaugurates 'I Am An American' Day
close shot of fiorello la guardia speaking to camera, sot saying that in next war burdens of war should be shared equally by everyone and no one... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:41US Representative Fiorello H. La Guardia speaking in Washington, DC
fiorello la guardia campaigning for mayor of new york city; sot against tammany hall's possible bankruptcy of the city / note: exact day not known - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42Mayoral candidate Fiorello La Guardia on New York City finances
"you can't win!" / pan across room full of slot machines / close shot of man's hand putting coin in machine and pulling lever / man speaking about... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15NY Mayor Fiorello La Guardia speaking in NY warning public against playing slot machines
anti-nazi rally and mock trial of hitler organized by the jewish american congress at madison square garden / overhead large crowd in hall / crowd... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage03:11Al Smith at Madison Square Garden rally against Nazis
[audio not synchronized] new york city mayor fiorello la guardia, the new director of the office of civilian defense, announces aluminum shower for... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:54NYC Mayor Fiorello La Guardia asks citizens to contribute spare aluminum to the government for defense needs
laguardia giving speech as audience applauds, waves and steps back at end of speech / new york city, new york, united states - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:001937 MS LaGuardia giving speech as audience applauds, waves and steps back at end of speech / New York City, New York, United States
laguardia talking and riding in small police motorboat with man in bow tie and police official / new york city, new york, united states - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091937 WS LaGuardia talking and riding in small police motorboat with man in bow tie and police official / New York City, New York, United States
laguardia delivering speech and audience applauding / new york city, new york, united states - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:461937 MS LaGuardia delivering speech and audience applauding / New York City, New York, United States
mayoral campaign meeting, speakers lined up on stage with f.h. laguardia banners, audience standing, cheering, applauding, and singing when laguardia... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:251937 MS Mayoral campaign meeting, speakers lined up on stage with F.H. LaGuardia banners, audience standing, cheering, applauding, and singing when LaGuardia is introduced / New York City, New York, United States
mayoral campaign meeting, speakers lined up on stage with f.h. laguardia banners, audience standing, cheering, applauding, and singing when laguardia... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:391937 WS Mayoral campaign meeting, speakers lined up on stage with F.H. LaGuardia banners, audience standing, cheering, applauding, and singing when LaGuardia is introduced / New York City, New York, United States
mayoral campaign meeting, speakers lined up on stage with f.h. laguardia banners, audience standing, cheering, applauding, and singing when laguardia... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:571937 WS Mayoral campaign meeting, speakers lined up on stage with F.H. LaGuardia banners, audience standing, cheering, applauding, and singing when LaGuardia is introduced / New York City, New York, United States
laguardia standing with women who are wearing hats and holding flowers, then speaking / new york city, new york, united states - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171937 MONTAGE LaGuardia standing with women who are wearing hats and holding flowers, then speaking / New York City, New York, United States
laguardia speaking and standing with woman who is wearing hat and holding flowers / new york city, new york, united states - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091937 MS LaGuardia speaking and standing with woman who is wearing hat and holding flowers / New York City, New York, United States
laguardia speaking and reading from a paper / new york city, new york, united states - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:121937 MS LaGuardia speaking and reading from a paper / New York City, New York, United States
laguardia at press conference speaking into microphones with large crowd in front of him as well as a few photographers, reporters / new york city,... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171937 MONTAGE LaGuardia at press conference speaking into microphones with large crowd in front of him as well as a few photographers, reporters / New York City, New York, United States
laguardia talking to man standing on top of steps of a 'new york express' plane, then boarding eastern air lines, other passengers following him /... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:161937 WS LaGuardia talking to man standing on top of steps of a 'New York Express' plane, then boarding Eastern Air Lines, other passengers following him / Washington, District of Columbia, United States
1945 b/w montage cameramen film start of horse race. two men watch race on tv at home. mayor laguardia throws out baseball. nbc camera on tripod. red ruffing bats. madison square garden. golden gloves boxing. congress clapping / new york city / audio - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:381945 B/W MONTAGE Cameramen film start of horse race. Two men watch race on TV at home. Mayor LaGuardia throws out baseball. NBC camera on tripod. Red Ruffing bats. Madison Square Garden. Golden Gloves boxing. Congress clapping / New York City / AUDIO
reenactments show gangsters beating up a rival, extorting a tailor for "protection" money by throwing paint on a dress in the tailor's shop / vs... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19Special Prosecutor Thomas E. Dewey fights organized crime in New York City in the 1930s
"the dewey story" / title card: "presented by this theatre as a public service" / buildings in lower manhattan skyline, including 40 wall street ,... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04Thomas E. Dewey with NYC Mayor Fiorello La Guardia in 1935
"la guardia introduces his cabinet!" / vs mayor-elect fiorello la guardia with group of men, part of his new cabinet; he introduces counsel paul... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:34New York City Mayor-elect Fiorello La Guardia introduces cabinet
crowd around united nations relief and rehabilitation administration head fiorello la guardia on tarmac with "the air transport command" on airplane... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28UNRRA head Fiorello La Guardia tours Italy in 1946
dignitaries and army officers standing on board of uss missouri naval vessel, new york city, new york state, usa - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08MS, Dignitaries and army officers standing on board of USS Missouri naval vessel, New York City, New York State, USA
president harry truman arriving on board of naval vessel greeting with army officers and dignitaries, new york city, new york state, usa, - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20MS, HA, President Harry Truman arriving on board of naval vessel greeting with army officers and dignitaries, New York City, New York State, USA,
president harry truman arriving on board of naval vessel greeting with army officers, new york city, new york state, usa - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29MS, HA, President Harry Truman arriving on board of naval vessel greeting with army officers, New York City, New York State, USA
mayor fiorello la guardia throws out first ball from stands / overhead shot of crowd in stands coming to their feet / boston braves' frank "shanty"... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22NY Giants opening home game against Boston Braves at Polo Grounds, NY City
various aerial shots of airport under construction / ground level shot of airport under construction / note: exact day not known - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58New airport (later named LaGuardia Airport) under construction in Queens, NY City
close up mayor fiorello laguardia reads the funny pages over wnyc during newspaper delivery strike/ audio - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:131945 Close up Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia reads the funny pages over WNYC during newspaper delivery strike/ AUDIO
motorcade with president harry s. truman waving from limo surrounded by walking secret service men and secret service men on running boards and... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage02:05President Harry S. Truman motorcade in 1945 Navy Day parade in NYC
presidential limo with driver sits outside city hall, navy band plays on steps, color guard on sidewalk, sailors stand on sidewalk at attention,... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:54President Harry S. Truman at NYC City Hall for Navy Day festivities in 1945
military officers stepping onto speaker's platform shaped like prow of ship in front of city hall, sign above platform showing pacific ocean and... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:08Adm. Chester Nimitz and New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia on Nimitz Day in NY City
mayor fiorello laguardia leads the band as irving berlin and kate smith sing on stage before a large crowd. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia leads the band as Irving Berlin and Kate Smith sing on stage before a large crowd.
congressman fiorello la guardia reads mail at his office desk. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Congressman Fiorello La Guardia reads mail at his office desk.
al smith, henry ford, and new york city mayor fiorello laguardia ride in a convertible at the 1939 world's fair in new york city. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Al Smith, Henry Ford, and New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia ride in a convertible at the 1939 World's Fair in New York City.
new york city mayor fiorello laguardia reads a newspaper for a radio broadcast during a newspaper strike. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:45New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia reads a newspaper for a radio broadcast during a newspaper strike.
new york city mayor fiorello laguardia uses a sledgehammer to smash slot machines. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia uses a sledgehammer to smash slot machines.
fiorello laguardia, the mayor of new york city, sits at the desk in his office. - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:03Fiorello LaGuardia, the Mayor of New York City, sits at the desk in his office.
close up mayor fiorello laguardia reads the funny pages over wnyc during newspaper delivery strike/ audio - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:161945 Close up Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia reads the funny pages over WNYC during newspaper delivery strike/ AUDIO
motorcade for mme. chiang kai-shek, wife of chinese president chiang kai-shek, driving down street / two shots of chinese american people in crowd /... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27Mme. Chiang Kai-shek visits NY City during World War II
new york city mayor fiorello la guardia stands at microphone-lined podium outside ny city hall, giving speech as mme. chiang kai-shek sits on... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Mme Chiang Kai-shek gives speech in NY City during World War II
street scene around entrance to madison square garden in new york city, with policeman directing traffic / crowded garden entrance with marquee... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:07Freedom Rally at Madison Square Garden in 1941
medium shot mayor fiorello laguardia reads the funny pages over wnyc during newspaper delivery strike/ audio - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241945 Medium shot Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia reads the funny pages over WNYC during newspaper delivery strike/ AUDIO
shot from street level of empire state building, tilt down to traffic in street and pedestrians / inside waldorf-astoria hotel, standing at banquet... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:01At conclusion of parade in New York City at end of World War II, Dwight Eisenhower gives speech in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
dwight eisenhower standing and then sitting in open car as it turns at the polo grounds / car carrying eisenhower drives around infield, crowd... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:34Dwight Eisenhower at the Polo Grounds in New York City as part of parade at end of World War II
crowd gathered in front of speaker's platform in square in front of new york city hall / two close views of women in crowd / close view of... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:16Dwight Eisenhower speaking to crowd in front of New York City Hall at end of World War II
president harry truman aboard navy launch approaching uss missouri, sailors standing at attention on deck at railing on missouri / launch coming... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58President Truman and admirals board USS Missouri on Navy Day in New York Harbor
on steps of city hall, new york mayor fiorello la guardia shaking hands with lou costello on his left, bud abbott standing to their right, la guardia... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11Comedians Abbott and Costello promote war bond drive with Mayor LaGuardia in NY City during World War II
eleanor roosevelt, new york city mayor fiorello la guardia, and dean james m. landis of harvard law school, new executive director of the office of... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58Civilians called upon to join military to protect homeland in World War II
and other flag on ext building / building with signs "defense recreation committee for soldiers and sailors", with pedestrians and traffic in... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36Eleanor Roosevelt presents a US serviceman with the one millionth free movie ticket issued during World War II
crowd gathered in front of billboard at rear which advertises "i am an american" celebration to be held in central park / side view the billboard,... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29New York City billboard touts "I Am An American" celebration in 1942
title card: "washington - repeal falls six votes short as lame duck session opens! paramount news records first sound pictures of actual house... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage02:19After impassioned debate, the US House of Representatives strikes down efforts to repeal Prohibition
new york mayor fiorello la guardia wears fedora at yankee stadium / another man in a hat / note: exact day/month not known - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia at Yankee Stadium
new york police department parade on yankee stadium grounds, including color guard, marching band and mayor fiorello la guardia during the police... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:01Sports stars teach boys at Police Athletic League's "Parade of Stars" show
"cops and kids just pals at sports show" / title: "new york city" superimposed over new york police department parade on yankee stadium grounds,... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:10Police Athletic League sports show at Yankee Stadium
"casey at the bat! new york -- american league stars beat nationals, 9 to 7! game thrills 50,000 people and brings $45,000 to retired baseball... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38Pregame festivities at 1934 All-Star Game in New York City
new york yankees player lou gehrig, in uniform, stands surrounded by photographers / gehrig / section of yankee stadium stands filled with... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia tosses out first ball at chilly Yankee Stadium
"yanks take third, 5-2" / filled stands at new york's yankee stadium where the ny yankees play the chicago cubs in the 1938 world series / new york... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage02:59Batting highlights of game 3 of 1938 World Series, Yankees v. Cubs
"the town's yours, sailor! new york - gobs of gobs raid gotham! america's greatest battle fleet lays siege to nation's biggest city - and the fun... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage02:27New York City shore leave for US sailors
new york mayor fiorello laguardia and others on deck of ship / high angle view of police brass band preparing to play / news photographers and police... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Norway's Prince Olav and Princess Martha arrive in New York City
ocean liner steams into port / launch comes alongside / prince olav smiles and waves and pan up to princess martha / liner / boat "riverside" comes... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Norway Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Martha arrive in New York City
norfolk passes the statue of liberty / people in archway facing river / new yorkers at railing / nyc mayor fiorello la guardia arrives on ship, faces... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia visits the USS Norfolk in New York
overhead view of people gathered at battery, decorations on buildings / king george vi and wife queen elizabeth walk down red carpet after leaving... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05King George VI of England arrives at Battery in New York City
george vi and wife queen elizabeth walk down red carpet after leaving building at battery / they are greeted by various dignitaries, woman gives... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37King George VI of England arrives in New York City
steam tugboats boating left on river w/ manhattan cityscape bg. sign in shop window 'we have cancelled our orders for german merchandise' w/ people... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18MOT 1938: NEW YORK, NEW YORK: BOYCOTT: WS Steam tugboats boating left on river w/ Manhattan cityscape BG. WS Sign in shop window 'We have cancelled our orders for German Merchandise' w/ people walking sidewalk through frame FG, CU Sign.
s pitching arm ok - baseball stars meet some leading gentlemen high in the governing business! the lineup: roosevelt, ruth, garner, gehrig and... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:26First 1934 home baseball games for Washington Senators and New York Yankees
"new york city, more than 1,500 slot machines go overboard in crusade against gambling" / vs tugboat loaded with slot machines / sot laguardia "these... - fiorello la guardia stock videos & royalty-free footage01:12NYC Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia has 1500 slot machines destroyed