Parliament Buildings, Bridgetown - stock photo

"The Parliament Building, completed in 1874, is a masterpiece of Gothic Architecture, built of local coral limestone and strategically placed in the heart of Bridgetown. These buildings house the House of Assembly and the Senate and hold the history of the Barbadian system of Government which is the third oldest political system within the Commonwealth. In this picture, the building facade is adorned with Blue and Gold banners, the colors of Barbados, to celebrate the independence day occurred on 30 November 1966. The celebrations of remembrance continue for the entire month of November.The historic buildings of Bridgetown have become a protected area of UNESCO in 2011."
"The Parliament Building, completed in 1874, is a masterpiece of Gothic Architecture, built of local coral limestone and strategically placed in the heart of Bridgetown. These buildings house the House of Assembly and the Senate and hold the history of the Barbadian system of Government which is the third oldest political system within the Commonwealth. In this picture, the building facade is adorned with Blue and Gold banners, the colors of Barbados, to celebrate the independence day occurred on 30 November 1966. The celebrations of remembrance continue for the entire month of November.The historic buildings of Bridgetown have become a protected area of UNESCO in 2011."
Parliament Buildings, Bridgetown
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Getty ImagesParliament Buildings Bridgetown High-Res Stock PhotoParliament Buildings Bridgetown High-Res Stock PhotoDownload premium, authentic Parliament Buildings, Bridgetown stock photos from Getty Images. Explore similar high-resolution stock photos in our expansive visual catalogue.Product #:185267961
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